M is for Mountain & Mud

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There’ s is a very famous quote by John Muir that says “Mountains are calling and I must go”
Mountains are a very essential ecosystem and a natural resource which contains lots of material which are again natural and useful for humankind.
We have ample variety of biodiversity, water source, landscapes.
there is a large variety of life be it animals, flora, fauna.
There are ample resources like iron ore, silver, gold etc.
In India, many mountains are associated with cultural and spiritual significance too.
The big natural sturdy features of the earth
Image result for mountain quotes
M is for mud
Playing with mud, mud bath, growing plants, all helps to stay connected to nature.
It even makes you smarter, to learn, to develop,
It helps positive dispositions as its a wonderful art medium,
It encourages creative thinking and working.
It actually makes you happier and believe me healthier by boosting the immune system.
It helps reduce allergies.
It even has found to reduce anxiety and stress in kids.
So remember mud is fun.

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9 responses to “M is for Mountain & Mud”

  1. Varad avatar
    1. Pr@Gun avatar
  2. Meena avatar
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  3. Balaka avatar
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  4. Iain Kelly avatar

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