Sketch, Create and spread happiness!
Remember the days when we use to write cards for our loved ones. I use to love it a lot and use to make loads of images in the cards and wish my family and friends for a particular occasion. I had always loved drawing sketches on different moods and…
Book Review – Here’s Why Your Train Journey Could Turn A Quirky Adventure.
What’s in the book? Kumar has penned a great effort in this book to bring out the silent voice of the common man and have well connected it to his personal train travel experiences. It showcases some funny, some sad, some humorous and some painful incidents into what commonly happens…
Book Review – Desert Plant
What’s in the Book? Abhijit has described the title very well, Desert Plant is an extremely sturdy plant, which stays green even by staying in the scant environment, and the negative part is anyone trying to chew a desert plant gets a bloody mouth. So the microfiction story characters are…
Book Review – My Friends from Indian Mythology
What’s in the book? To begin with, I loved the title very much, It will surely attract kids to know more as sometimes mythological characters are taken seriously and then avoided but this book showcases them in an easy way and thus one can easily peep into history and let…
Book Review – Sugar and Ice and All That’s Nice
What’s in the Book? Now that’s one title that rhymed well that too when I was in a mood to enjoy my drink and sing. Are you looking for scrumptious summer coolers cocktails and yummy desserts then this is the book to read for sure. So here comes our savior…
Let’s fold and share the load
Hey, Sonny boys of mine… What an eventful month and productive holidays we had. We washed the clothes together Also, We cleaned the cupboards otehr day, We washed the utensils Had a great time when We laid tables, made teas and I’m really thankful that you both were a great…
Tackling Tiffins
The ubiquitous ‘dabba’ has indeed become a metaphor for many things in our life. It tells many stories. Every morning starts off with a war – for me as a mother. There are so many battles to be won, but the biggest of them all is packing tiffin for my…
Reflections of My AtoZ 2019
To begin with, thank-you so much to the atoz challenge organizers. I had participated with atozchallenge as well as blogchatter too. I also Congratulate myself on another successful completion and survivor of 26 A-to-Z Challenge blog posts. Year 2019 marks my second time with A to Z challenge. This challenge…