Lets Cultivate Bee Friendly Habits
World Honey Bee Day, also known as World Bee Day, is an annual observance that celebrates the importance of honey bees and other pollinators to our ecosystems, agriculture, and food production. It is typically held on the third Saturday of August each year. This year it is on 19th…
The Devastating Impact of Plastic Pollution on Animals
The growing rate of plastic production raises problems in many areas of our society. This shocking amount of plastic is contributing to waste and pollution issues, it’s impacting our health, and it’s threatening our oceans and wildlife. Plastic affects all life, from microscopic animals right up the food chain…
Green Talks Ep 37 – Meet a sustainability consultant who practices zero waste and chemical free living. Feat – Sameera Satija
“Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.” Jochen Zeitz Sustainable living means we prioritize the use of natural and renewable resources instead of creating excess waste and depleting environmental resources for future generations. Sustainable living is a lifestyle, practice, and philosophy. And in the…
20 ways to Plastic Free Lifestyle
We humans have become so dependent on plastics for a range of uses, from packaging to products. Reducing our use of plastic bags is an easy place to start getting our addiction out of control. ~ David Suzuki. A plastic-free lifestyle refers to making conscious choices to reduce or eliminate the use…
Ditch the Disposables
Any new change or trend can change the face of the market within a day. In the present scenario, markets are experiencing promising & prominent markets around the globe. Our markets are presently dominated by single-use plastic products, disposable items, or styrofoam products. But slowly we are even realizing the…
Tree Love – Chinese Hackberry or Derris robusta
“Consider a tree for a moment. As beautiful as trees are to look at, we don’t see what goes on underground – as they grow roots. Trees must develop deep roots in order to grow strong and produce their beauty. But we don’t see the roots. We just see and…