When it comes to S it becomes plural. I mean there are so many word(s) that entered our lives with just the letter S. So let’s check a few of them-
Definition: a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.
Introduced: June 2014
Oxford dictionary definition: Have a spoken conversation with (someone) over the Internet using the software application Skype, typically also viewing by webcam.
The most popular Urban Dictionary definition for snowflake tells us exactly where it came from and what it’s supposed to mean:
“A term for someone that thinks they are unique and special, but really are not.”
Now coming over to gadget Gyan-
The Self-Driving Car
“Selfie” was Oxford Dictionaries’ 2013 Word of the Year, and shortly after came the boom of the selfie stick. Useful for taking wide-angle shots without having to give your phone to someone else, the selfie stick became popular with vloggers and tourists alike. In New York City, the most visited city in America, you couldn’t walk through Times Square without having to dodge oblivious tourists’ floating phones. But by 2015, careless injuries and even deaths while using selfie sticks caused their ban at some museums, music festivals, and Disney World. The selfie stick trend has waned since then, and with increasingly wide-angle smartphone cameras, it’s probably a gadget that’s best left in the past. —Adia Watts
S for Sales, sales everywhere
That’s all for today
Do visit to check about new words and digital things what connected with us.
My theme for A2Z-2020 is peeping into new words and gadgets/ apps that time traveled in our lives in the last decade
and became part of our lives beyond separation now.
Wanna peep into my 2019 S Tiffin post for tiffin treats…
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