“I love walking because it clears your mind, enriches the soul, takes away stress and opens up your eyes to a whole new world.” – Claudette Dudley
Walking is one of the best exercises and maintains good health. We should walk with a free mind without any distractions. If it is done properly, we can achieve excellent health. Walking is recommended as the best exercise to maintain good physical and mental health. Walking through nature also comes with added benefits. It often helps people to feel connected with nature and pull away from the busyness of the world. In this post lets talk about 8 shape walk which is considered as most beneficial.
8 shape walk
Among the walking exercise best walking exercises is the “8 shape walk method”. It is supreme of all. This is one of the best methods which give miraculous benefits as suggested by the Yogis and Siddhars. It should be practiced daily for 15-30 minutes. “ 8 Walking” was invented by Tamil Siddars ( Yogis). The western world calls it “Infinity walking”.
Procedure to do “8” shaped walking exercise:
- Practice this in the morning, evening, or in an empty stomach, in the open, or in a room in the north-south direction.
- Draw a parallel line from east to west or west to east on the north side and leave ten feet gap and draw 8 shape line; now practice “8” shaped walking.
- You can create this 8 Shape, preferably in an open space like a garden, balcony, Terrace, Car parking, etc, you can even do it in your living areas/ hall by placing 2 chairs at a gap of 3 feet and start walking in 8 shapes between the chairs.
- Walk north to south and south to North clockwise and anticlockwise for 15 minutes each.
- Practice “8” shaped walking first and then you may do some simple yogic exercises and breathing exercises.
- During this walk, we concentrate on walking in the 8 shape line.
- Preferable to walk barefoot (without shoes) and concentrate on the 8 shape while walking. You can do breathing or OM Mantra chanting while doing the walk. Also, you can use Yoga mudra while walking (like Prana Mudra)
Benefits of doing “8” shaped walking exercise:
In our hand palm and leg palm, all reflex points of our entire internal organs are located. Due to the pressure in the palm, at the time of walking ( we should walk on bare foot without shoes/slippers ) all our internal organs are activated and we get relief from concerned diseases.
- As you walk in the South-North direction, i.e. towards and against the earth’s magnetic field, the body gets energized and activates chakras and all internal organs for normal functioning.
- During walking in the 8-shape style, all your body parts like legs, ankles, knees, abdomen, hip, hands, shoulders, neck, head, etc. move in a twist and turn pattern. So it gives a very good physical movement to all parts of the body when compared to regular walking.
- At the end of thirty minutes of 8 walking stuffy nose is cleared and feel free breathing from both the nostrils. The phlegm is eliminated either by spitting out or getting assimilated into the body and even asthma is reversed. Also,
- With regular practice, you will notice relief from Headache, Digestive Problems, Thyroid, Obesity, Knee pains, Rheumatoid Arthritis, weight gain/ loss, constipation, etc.
- As oxygen is inhaled due to complete respiration, phlegm in the lungs is released. The intake of oxygen energizes the body.
- It reduces the sugar level in the blood and reverses your diabetes and its complication within a year of regular 8 walking twice daily for half an hour.
- Improves eyesight. Due to concentration in the 8-shaped line, short-sightedness and other eye-related problems are improved/ curtailed.
- Hearing power is improved. Gentle walking reduces blood pressure.
- As you walk on bare foot, there will be pressure created at different points in your foot due to the contact with the ground and thereby activating all internal organs.
- Practicing this exercise regularly brings back youth to us, and reverses all your diseases.
- Helps you to calm down your mind and relieve stress. Refresh your body for daylong work.
- Happily practice “8” shape walk” and enjoy good health without any disease.
The 8 shape or Infinity walk is a miracle exercise that helps to reverse your health disorders, bring back energy, and, most importantly, caters to the overall fitness of the body. To add on, Read and listen to my Green talks series and check out interviews with Eco-conscious people who are trying their bit towards conscious and sustainable living practices. There is so much to learn and explore from all of them I had interacted with, do listen and drop in your views in the comments. Check here to know more about all the Eco-Friendly dates
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