“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.”
– Martin Luther
While waiting for a friend in the midst of Delhi traffic chaos, all my eyes could see was this lovely tree.
Standing tall and marking its presence in Cannaught place, New Delhi.
My friend was consfused on why I was clicking pics of this tree and what made me fall in love with it, wish I can explain her my connect of being a Dendrophile.
The aerial roots of this ficus sycomorus tells a lot about this tree. Old Delhi Trees have a story of their own.
Cities must grow with trees…
Old Delhi Tree holding its charm.
Tree Love
I’m sharing my #TreeLove with – the #ThursdayTreeLove blog hop, a photo feature hosted by Parul Thakur.
Coupled with this, This is my Love Your Planet “Earth” post and a post to make us aware of the trees around us.
Save trees, nurture, conserve, and preserve the trees around us, and on our planet. Do you love Trees?
Do you love knowing more about trees? Explore the trees in your neighborhood and join Tree Love.
You might also like to see my Love for Trees in these Tree Posts:
- Did you hug a tree today?
- October Flowers of Parijaat
- Chinese Hackberry in Nilgiris
- An old Peepal Tree giving shade to parking cars
- Cypress with all its beauty
- X-mas Tree — That kept me sane in lockdown
Sustainability with Prachi
To add on, read and join the Sustainability with Prachi series and listen to interviews with Eco-conscious people who are trying their bit towards conscious and sustainable living practices only on Green Tatwa Talks. There is so much to learn and explore from all of them I have interacted with, Do listen and drop in your views in the comments. And, if you want to know Environment-related dates Click here.
Being Eco-Friendly is not a choice, make it a habit.
Without a doubt, sustainability is easier than you think. You don’t have to jump in by changing everything, start small to make the changes more eco-friendly, sustainable & a part of your daily life.
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