Mom’s are our first designer and dental hygienist too

Our mothers deserve all the love for risking their lives in childbirth, raising us through difficult times, and constantly guiding and loving us. For all these, we should give them our gratitude, our respect, and our trust. We should listen to them and constantly help them in whatever way we can. Mom’s are our first designer and dental hygienist too. They are daycare and even our first dance teachers too. Altogether, Mother is a designer, daycare provider, dental hygienist all rolled up not one.

Let us learn from our own mother the lessons of courage, strength, and hope. She bears a divine role not only in our lives but also in our society and in the world. Today is Letter D in the series – Mom’s Be Everything.

D – Designer

Mother is a designer for her kids. Be it in dresses, rooms, cupboards, tables, or anything. They help to be a designer to their kids. From choosing what’s best for her child to picking the latest trends. Even buying the best-suited dress, she has been a designer for her kids all her life. Till kids grow up to their own taste and choices, she stays as a designer always. Designing kid’s beds, closets, their rooms, she has always been the designer to her children.

Dental hygienist

We will all agree our moms are our first brushers of the teeth. The first toothpaste putter on our toothbrushes. , the scheduler of the actual dentist appointments. They are actually our first dental hygienist telling and guiding us with our teeth care and hygiene.


Remember the first time you danced, I think when you were small. Remember the first school function you were rehearsing for. Our moms have tried their best to teach us the small cute dancing steps. Some are professional, some are not. The first fun moment of dance, or a serious one may be, we experience it with moms only. Sometimes when they are just trying to train us for only a simple rhythm. Or maybe just a beat or two for fun moments. I use to twist and turn and jump when I was trying to dance with my kiddo. Although I’m very bad at dancing but tied my bit for my kids.

Daycare Provider

Caring for children can be exhausting as well as rewarding! But did a mother ever complain? No, she never does, or even if she does, thats ok. She is the first daycare provider to a child. Never is she rewarded or paid for that but she does all a daycare facility. She is day care facility you might not be able to get anywhere.

She knows how to deal with us

Moms know every trick about how to take care of us. She knows when to be strict with us and when to let us make mistakes. She is the perfect mix of coolness and maturity.

Always remember she’ll defend you even when you’re not around.

This is the letter “D” in the journey of motherhood where we explore Mom’s roles in their children’s lives. We can say Mom’s are everything for her kids, you name it we have it. Do read my earlier letters to enjoy the AtoZ of motherhood roles. Find out how moms are the best counselors and comforter to their kids.

30 responses to “Mom’s are our first designer and dental hygienist too”

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