To continue with my decade series let’s check the Letter “L” today
Introduced: March 2011
Oxford dictionary definition: Used to draw attention to a joke or amusing statement, or to express amusement.
Consumer LED Light Bulb
LED bulbs are much more energy-efficient than the incandescent ones that have been used for decades, which waste 90 percent of their energy consumption on generating heat. But until 2010, LED bulbs were bulky, costly, and unfeasible for anything besides large industrial spaces. Then, in the face of federal legislation mandating better efficiency, manufacturers like GE and Philips developed bulbs meant for the everyday consumer. The bulbs use 20 percent of the energy of their incandescent predecessors and can last 25,000 hours–with average use, that’s more than a decade.
Well, the answer may surprise you…LEDs have been around for more than half a century! In fact, a viable working version of LED technology first came out in 1962. It was invented by 33 year old General Electric scientist Nick Holonyak Jr. Back then, GE called it “the magic one.”
That’s all for today
Do visit to check about new words and digital things what connected with us.
My theme for A2Z-2020 is peeping into new words and gadgets/ apps that time traveled in our lives in the last decade
and became part of our lives beyond separation now.
Wanna peep into my L post for tiffin treats…
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