Such happy faces, Such fun & frolic, I’m super excited it’s my d-day…. I’m getting married after 4 days. Can’t express in words that life will be different. I will have to be more responsible, more caring towards a lovely soul who has decided to leave her abode & make my life of her own. I’m thankful to her & would love to shower all my love for her for her decision.
Oh packing not yet done…. have I kept her gift.
Delivery of washing machine & t.v. today evening, hope she likes the color.
Have to buy gifts for her brother…. oh he’s my best buddy.
Office work all finished. Hey buddy take care of my mails okay.
Will call mom & bro before i leave from work so i can catch my flight at night with all work done in time.
Happiness oh happiness I’m over filled with you. Thank you life for showering me with such joys.
Tring tring…. hey mom… what oh wow you are in parlour, cool no problem will chat later. Happy pampering.
Tring tring …. hey brother…. yup all ready, all done, yes yes will leave in a while to finish remaining things… hehe… sure sure. Chal bro see you at night.
Bye guys…. bye boss…. shying away…. thanks. See you guys at reception party. Sure buddy all set.
Wanted to call her but its her mehndi today so I don’t wanna disturb her, she must be busy & tired too coz of functions.
Files-in locker
Tickets -in laptop
Time to go….
Hey bikey bikey come let’s go home vrooming alone as bachelor before you get the lovely pillion rider when i am back with my life partner.
Click – click vroom – vroom zoom -zoom…….. ya ya ya…. na na na naaaaa hey hey hey….. yu huuuuu………..
Why are you all crying people, it’s my marriage come on dance sing play swing…. hey what happened?
Mom mom what happened? dad why are you not listening to me? Bro hey please come on its my marriage what happened to you all. Hey girl why are you too not speaking with me. Please talk to me.
I am in peace, in ever happiness, in all joys of world but ‘Everyone Else Was Grieving’.
‘This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.’
# Based in a true story
A note for all bike riders, please never drive in josh to loose hosh, never drive in over excitement, the calmness while driving is a must else one at peace and everyone else grieves. A human life is not worth dying an accident death, So Drive safe reach safe Play Safe
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