Welcome to the Author Interview series hosted by Pragun and Suhasini. The Author duo are conducting the Author interview series for the Ebooks launched through Blogchatter Ebook program.
- 1st interview – “Abhjit ray” author of “Desert Plant”
- 2nd interview – “Meena Chatty” author of “Starlit Sky”
- 3rd interview – “Pratibha” author of “Eco Babycare & Green Parenting”
- 4th interview – “Geethica” author of “Thoughts and Conversations”
- 5th interview – “Sabha Ladha” author of ” “With Love, Yours Hatefully”
The Next in the series is Author Darshana Sarmah of Put Your Best Foot Forward. She talks about Mental health in this book. I loved reading all the chapters and especially the quotes at the beginning of all chapters covering varied aspects from attitude, gratitude, meditation, mindfulness and lot more.
Let’s find out what Darshana has to say about her book – ” Put your best foot
Us: What inspired you to start blogging?
Darshana: Blogging was the sudden thing for me. It was the last thing on my
have to think.’ After the call ended, what triggered me is still unknown, because the result was my first blogpost in next 15 minutes, as I was preparing the dinner the very night, and that too on a napkin. That’s how the blogger within me was born.
Us: Can you please describe your blogging journey so far? And who are your biggest supporters?
Darshana: My first blogpost was very much appreciated. It was very encouraging for me. After that for about a year, I did guest blogging and regularly wrote articles for a local newspaper. I got a good response. People used to mail me personally after reading my articles and posts. As I deal with mental health, people could relate to my posts. It was much motivating for me to take blogging seriously and own a personal site. I think the entire thing is moving at a very slow pace, but I make sure that consistency is maintained in posting my posts.
Firstly, I was entangled in pursuing my doctorate degree, which has now successfully completed, and my mind was more into searching suitable avenues for teaching job. Secondly, I am a bit hesitant to promote and highlight, which is part of my personal default character. But, I am very positive and happy to find how things are turning up, in this brief phase of being a blogger.
My readers and their feedbacks are worth mentioning supporters. Of course, there is the role of my husband, my parents, siblings and my blogger friend.
Us: Why you did register for the A2Z challenge?
Darshana: As a newbie blogger, there can be nothing big than this opportunity. This Challenge was a great opportunity to take your blog to
Us: How it feels like to be called as “Author”
Darshana: It’s an achievement. A moment to be cherished and treasure for lifetime. It is as prestigious for me as my doctorate degree.
Us: What is the key learning for you from this Blogger to Author journey?
Darshana: It was a self-learning process for me, I would say. My capacity, my
I have to mention one thing that through the whole process, I got introduce to
Us: Do you want to share any interesting stuff on this book which has not been captured there?
Darshana: Yaa, actually it is about the cover page of my book. Luckily, my cover page caught everyone’s attention and got much appreciation. True to say, It was so randomly and playfully made all of a sudden, at around 12 at night, scrolling down my phone and fantasying about my first Ebook look, in about 5-10 minutes. At that time, there was still one week left for the challenge to get over. But, I liked it so much that I didn’t attempt any other cover.
Us: Do you want to share any future plans for your blog and books with us?
Darshana: Obviously, I do have some plans, though not perfectly lined up. Regarding the blog, I need to grow it more forward professionally. I aim to create more awareness about mental health issues, as well as in some level of time I even dream of providing helping hand of any sort to overcome mental pain and traumas. Also, I do carry some ideas to pen down in the form of a book. It will take some time.
Us: How is your overall feeling on Blogchatter’s Carnival and what are your recommendations on the same for other bloggers
Darshana: It is unparalleled. The whole Blogchatter team is doing an amazing job, in pulling forward bloggers into such a concept and making them stand in the same platform and still setting them free to make their individual mark. The effort they are making right from the challenge to
So, Friends, this is the short interview of our blogger Friend Darshana. You can read her much-acclaimed book – “Put Your Best Foot Forward” by clicking here.
My co-host Suhasini has done a candid review of the book “Put your best foot forward” and you can find her review here.
My co-host Suhasini has done a candid review of the book “Put your best foot forward” and you can find her review here.
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