Author Interview – Geethica Mehra of Thoughts And Conversations

Welcome to the Author Interview series hosted by Pragun and Suhasini. The Author duo are conducting the Author interview series for the Ebooks launched through Blogchatter Ebook program.

  • 1st interview – “Abhjit ray” author of “Desert Plant”
  • 2nd interview – “Meena Chatty” author of “Starlit Sky”
  • 3rd interview – “Pratibha” author of “Eco Baby care & Green Parenting.
  • 4th interview – “Varsha” author of “Konkan Diaries”

The Next in the series is Author Geethica Mehra of Thoughts and Conversations – Cafes in and around Delhi. She writes about Thoughts and Conversations engulfing her personal coffee experiences passed on to you. I am a coffee lover and thi sbook on Delhi cafes was a worth read. I have lived and grew up in Delhi so the cafes and places in Delhi are close to my heart.

Let’s find out what Geethica has to say about her book – ” Thoughts and Conversations” Cafes in and around Delhi

Us: What inspired you to start blogging?

Geethica: The urge to be financially independent and be creative at the same time brought me face to face with blogging. Writing was the only thing that came to me naturally and could be done from home.

Us: Can you please describe your blogging journey so far? And who are your biggest supporters?

Geethica: God is always kind. It’s just that we are too busy in life to acknowledge his blessings. My joint family had always been supportive to me. I could write from home peacefully because my kids love to be with their grand parents. I can attend blogging events because there always somebody home from the family. My small blogging journey will be 3 years old this year. And I am grateful to my God that when I entered blogosphere, I got the correct community, best of friends and mentors that there’s no looking back since then.

Us: Why you did register for the A2Z challenge?

Geethica: My social media recognition started with Blogchatter only when I randomly signed up a Twitter activity. I got a community that drives your passion towards writing. A2Z challenge was the right thing to push my deadlines and sqeeze out creativity out of me.

Us: How it feels like to be called as “Author”

Geethica : The title Author adds authority to my name. Be it self published but the effort in making it goes a long way. It adds responsibility to my name and I have to constantly improve for my readers.

Us: What is the key learning for you from this Blogger to Author journey?

Geethica : My learning as an author would be to plan your book in advance. Widen your perspective and keep scope for all possibilities. You cannot think of a topic and blog it a night before. A book needs months of vigorous thinking and implementing ideas the correct way.

Us: Do you want to share any interesting stuff on this book which has not been captured there?

Geethica: Well, I have covered almost every emotion that came in way while writing this book. Still, there are a lot of photos that I have skipped adding to make it less heavy. The photos show you exactly how much we enjoyed every cafe. However, I have added a link to my blog at the end of every chapter.

Us: Do you want to share any future plans for your blog and books with us? .How is your overall feeling on Blogchatter’s Carnival and what are your recommendations on the same for other bloggers

Geethica: I am working towards making Thoughts by Geethica a brand to seek happiness. I want the world to search me if they feel happy about something out feel sad to share their rant. My books will always be a reflection of my blog.

Us: How is your overall feeling on Blogchatter’s Carnival and what are your recommendations on the same for other bloggers

Geethica: Blogchatter ebook Carnival is a great platform to budding authors who want a source to showcase their talent. Kudos to the team who thought of such a brilliant idea of starting this Carnival. All new and veteran authors must try out publishing their books with Blogchatter for they invest generous time to promote each of the books. They bring fame to knock your doors.

So, Friends, this is the short interview of our blogger Friend Geethica. You can read her much-acclaimed book – Thoughts and Conversations by clicking here.

My co-host Suhasini has done a candid review of the “Thoughts and Conversations” book and you can find her review here.

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