I love my blog and I love to explore myself through it.
It makes me happy, It talks to me, it listens, it makes me creative.
I recently came to know of Alexa rank.
Well what is it was the first question and it gave me kick to work on it to improve my readership. because Its to increase web traffic.
My blog is my best friend and i need more friends on this blogospehre to interact, read, chat and learn.
My workstation always inspires me and so does the Pen.
I write about evrything under Sun-Sea-Sand-Sky.
I explore the panchtattwa’s of life
My panchtattwa’s are writing on –
- Personal thoughts and Tanmatra’s of life
- Travel tales
- Food experiments
- Parenting and growing up with kids
- Indian soul – traditions and festivals
I associate my blogs with these life elements.
I am taking My Alexa rank to the next level with Blogchatter – #MyFriendAlexa.
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