Mother – Yours truly forever

It is not enough to love a child. Children need so much more. Mother – Yours truly forever is a beautiful creation of God. We can’t compare her to anyone.

Children require boundaries and consistency. They require quiet, tender moments, as well as memories filled with excitement and inspiration. Children need almost endless understanding and patience, yet they sometimes need strong encouragement or maybe even a push, as a mother bird would push her baby out of the nest to show him he really can fly.

Mothers need to be sensitive, yet, not take it too personally when their child says something like “I wish I had a different mom.” Mothers need to show strength when their child is hurt or frightened, so their child will know everything will be OK. Mothers need to be selfless, putting their child first as they tend to their child’s physical or emotional needs.

“Once you become a mother, you no longer live your life for yourself, because once you become a mother everything changes. Schedules change. Relationships change. The things which were once important change. Life is changed, forever. I believe that life has been changed for good.”


There is no comparison to you. God made no mistake when He placed your child under your care. I have discovered over the years that mothering isn’t about the big issues: breast vs. bottle, to circumcise, or not, cry-it-out or never sleep again… No, the things that matter most are the little things, the small lessons we pick up along the way. They are the legacy we pass on to our children. They are the things our children will remember us for, good or bad.

Yours completely

Y-not. Yes and also on the personal front, there are several occasions when we see the task to be hard but we ask ourselves y not and we go for it. Your’s truly also learns a lot from children too in this journey of motherhood.

Yell mom

Oh how much they try to control but sometimes it just gets out of control and we yell out. Hats off if you have not heard a yell mom or not being one too. I agree there were times when i had to yell to get some tasks completed. Yelling is bad but its helpful sometimes to show your fear and bring some discipline in kids.

Years Go By Too Fast 

It’s true that once you become a parent, the years fly past. Your little baby grows up way too quickly. It only seems like 6 months ago I was pregnant, but here I am with a 3-year-old toddler being a little whirlwind around the place. It’s important to make memories as a family as they do grow up quickly. Take plenty of photos and have a keepsakes box for all the special times you spent together. Not only will you enjoy looking back at the memories you had with them but they will enjoy looking back on their childhood memories when they are all grown up themselves.


Mom never says no, or gives up. They always are ready to try and say why-not(Y-not). This never-give-up attitude sure makes moms an example for their children.

“Don’t just teach your kids to read, teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything.”
— George Carlin

This is the letter “Y” in the journey of motherhood where we explore Mom’s roles in their children’s lives. We can say Mom’s are everything for her kids, you name it we have it. Do read my earlier letters to enjoy the AtoZ of motherhood roles. This post is written as a part of the A2Z challenge, organized by Blogchatter
You will surely love to know-how Moms have exemplary X-Ray vision and she is an eXample we see and look up to in our life. Mother – Yours truly forever and a Y-Not woman. No one can take her place or even be comparable to her. There is no comparison to you oh MoM.

21 responses to “Mother – Yours truly forever”

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