There isn’t a perfect way to be a mother. Mothers are in unique situations: some don’t have husbands, others live with female partners, some are in conventional family structures, others are raising their children with the help of the “village”, some are stay-at-home moms, others go to work, etc. Mothers also have unique skill sets and challenges. Their children, too, are very different. All of these situations are valid. The important thing is that a mother loves her children deeply. Under the Umbrella of Mom’s love, who’s an ultra mom protecting and caring for life. Mom is my secure Umbrella and a cozy blanket. A mother’s role is to love her children with all her heart. Today is Letter U in the series – Mom’s Be Everything.
Typically, a SAHM is a woman who cares for the children while the other partner is working outside the home. Similar, more antiquated terms are a homemaker or housewife, although some people still embrace these monikers for this role. They handle many different jobs to keep the children engaged, fed, clean, active, and hitting developmental milestones, while also acting as the family’s housekeeper, organizer, social planner, treasurer, personal shopper, and chauffeur, among myriad other roles.
Mom is my secure Umbrella
The role I identified in all these days looking at all the things she does is like an umbrella to her children. Protecting and shielding them.
Just like umbrella moms provide shade from the rain and the sun while also allowing you to breathe. Her love for her kids is like that. You can take shade under her wing when life is blisteringly hot or when troubles come pouring down. This love may not protect you from all the wind or the heat but it will be a respite, a safe open space for you to come to whenever you feel the need to.
Her children are like her extension. Mom’s love is like an umbrella you accessorize with. It love can be loud, bright, and red or blue when you need to show the world you’re braver than you look and it can also be quiet, practical, and black when you need some support to just get you through the rain.
Umbrella as Shade or Sheild
Umbrella’s don’t only serve the purpose of shade or cover. There is more to it, and similar is mom’s love. Umbrella’s do more than providing shade. Have you noticed, they make for great walking sticks and can also be a great weapon to smack someone with. Similarly, a mom’s love for her kids is multi-dimensional. She will walk beside you for days or even years and you can lean on to her as strong support, whenever you’re not strong or losing hope. And, remember that she is your mother. If you feel you need a good whack to protect you from yourself, she won’t hesitate to do it no matter how much you feel it hurts at that moment. So choose which quality you need from your mom today.
Useful or ignored
Most people only use their umbrellas when it is raining. The rest of the time they hang in one corner, ignored. Mom’s know this well, and they are fine even if you ignore her love for you. She might be hurt but will never show it to you, you can still be assured that her love for you will not change either.
Bought up by a single mom, we had loads of differences, As a teen, I went through phases where I simply could not connect with my mother and wanted to run away and travel the world. It is only when I grew up a bit that I realized her sacrifices and reasons for why she was like that. Moms can be extremely useful (practically and emotionally) but you may also be able to happily survive without them for months. There might come a time that you don’t talk to her for months, know that my love for you will be like that umbrella sitting in a corner waiting for you whenever you need it.
Feel protected Under the Umbrella of Mom’s Love and cherish it always. Mom is my secure Umbrella, she will always be there for you as a shade and as a shield. Embrace her love,
Haven’t you seen your mom untangling confusion and doubts? Untangler is one who removes the knots from an untidy mass of string wire etc. Tangled strings or crossword puzzles, quiz games, or skipping ropes. Be it rough situations of life or exam crisis, mom has helped us in our growing years to help untangle the situation always. She always makes all those things that are complicated or confusing, easier to understand or deal with.

Universal Mom/ Ultra Mom
Motherhood is a universal feeling. A feeling that empowers the mother to not only love her own but also care for others. Only a mother can really know what it means to bring new life into this world. There are all types of mothers in this world and they are all amazing and beautiful in their own way. There are some things that span all walks of motherhood – selflessness, unconditional love, sacrifice, and patience. Certain things are part of the unwritten and universal motherhood language. And that’s something priceless, with no age nor time limit. Although the motherhood journey has changed with time, The new face of motherhood is just different. There are SAHM moms as well as working moms too. Families are nuclear and the couple has to do multiple jobs to grow a child.

The experience of motherhood differs, but motherhood itself is universal. Mothers are the original superheroes
This is the letter “U” in the journey of motherhood where we explore Mom’s roles in their children’s lives. Mom’s are everything for her kids, you name it we have it. This post is written as a part of the A2Z challenge, organized by Blogchatter. Do read my earlier letters to enjoy the AtoZ of motherhood roles. This post is written as a part of the A2Z challenge, organized by Blogchatter. You will love to read how moms are our first teacher and personal trainer too, she is our travel planner and translator too.
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