Moms are our best financial advisors, first family therapist, and yummy food providers too.

Mothers are awesome and there are no two opinions about that. Among all the things that a mother teaches and bestows upon her children, financial lessons sometimes do not get the deserved limelight! If you keenly observe your mum, you can realize that she designed a hack for herself every step of the way. Be it grinding vegetables, or waking her children up, or even saving money! Utilizing leftovers, or even providing home remedies. They have a solution for everything. Moms are our first friends, and along with moms are our financial advisors and food providers too, they are our food tester and family therapist too. Today is Letter F in the series – Mom’s Be Everything.

Finance manager

Children often imbibe lessons simply by observing how their parents, especially mothers, manage household finances. While some mothers are homemakers and others had their own careers, being sensible with spending and saving, being cautious with debt, and recognizing value are common threads they had on their outlook towards money. Mothers often help to manage the finances, teaching their children to do so as well. Balance the costs of groceries, school activities, and clothes as well as the utilities and other household expenses. We have seen our mothers manage complete household since our childhood. I was bought up by a single mom so had seen better of this financial side and I’m proud that it helped me learn to manage my finances, savings, and spending cautiously with time. So let’s read a bit about how mothers are our financial advisors and food providers too.

Mothers are evolving as smart household financial managers. We can get some of the best financial advice from our mothers as well as grandmothers too. No wonder they are the expert Matriarchs of the family for generations. Motherhood is no child’s play, and mothers across all life stages in this journey need to take charge of their finances. It’s a need of time for a smooth life and independence too. We need to help our children in charting their career paths and life goals, and in all this financial management plays a big role.

Save regularly, irrespective of the level of income is preached and practiced by mothers across generations. Being flexible with how income and expenses were managed was a skill that mothers seemed to be experts at. That’s why mothers are called the Finance Ministers of the house. Simply writing down the daily expenses in her diary, saving up for something, or just being wise with money, your mother will follow these tricks without help from an adviser!

Food Provider

When it comes to love and food, nothing can beat our darling mothers. They know how to deal with our tantrums and always pamper us with lots of love. One of the best ways in which they express their love for us is through food. No wonder #MaaKeHaathKaKhaana is so special.

  • Her magic ingredient is lots of love and care, It works all the time. Her food carries the most important cooking ingredient – Love and care.
  • You simply love your mom when she comes up with innovative dishes to suit your diet plans. No one else in the world can cook dishes that are high on both taste and health!  
  • Of course, she knows that you hate it because you’ve been throwing tantrums over it since times immemorial! Nevertheless, when she intelligently uses these veggies in a roll or a pizza, you have it without any drama.

Not only this Be it, happiness, sadness, sickness, celebration, joy, our mothers have also served us food that is appropriate for the situation. Ever wondered why mom’s food is always the best. Your mom’s been there since day one. From feeding you straight from a bottle to eventually teaching you how to properly use a fork and knife, she’s the one who’s made sure that you don’t go hungry. Nothing tastes better than home-cooked food

Food Tester

Even before she feeds us she ensures that the food is perfect for us. Moms have been food testers of the food served not only to our kids but to our family too. We are testers as we ensure tasty, hygienic food for all. When you’re away from home living off of the same old same old from the dining hall, you always crave that one dish that only mom can make perfectly. 

Mom’s food aka maa ke haath ka khana has accompanied us in our lives while growing up. And this taste cannot be replicated even by the best chef in town. It is filled with satisfaction and love.

Family Therapist

Yes, the first doctor/ therapist at home as an immediate aid is mom only. We all have grown up looking forward to mom as the first healer for injury or pain. Being a mom makes you a mini therapist with a homemade journal in your hands full time. We sure need to seek expert and professional advice on therapy but the first person we seek to find the answer to is always a mom.

The usual goals of family therapy are improving communication, solving family problems, understanding and handling special family situations, and creating a better functioning home environment. Our moms have been doing this for generations – a way to develop or maintain a healthy, functional family.

mothers are our financial advisors and food providers too

Now that we know, mothers are our financial advisors and food providers too, another “F” tip from a mom – She knows how to spot a fake friend faster than you. You can always rely on her for slightly hurtful but honest feedback. She is your first friend too.

“Be sure that in your educating you are not manufacturing obedient citizens, but rather unleashing powerful, creative souls.”
— Vince Gowmon

This is the letter “F” in the journey of motherhood where we explore Mom’s roles in their children’s lives. Mom’s are everything for her kids, you name it we have it. Do read my earlier letters to enjoy the AtoZ of motherhood roles. This post is written as a part of the A2Z challenge, organized by Blogchatter. You will love to read Alphabet E which says Moms are Encyclopedia and first educator too.

36 responses to “Moms are our best financial advisors, first family therapist, and yummy food providers too.”

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