July marks the time for Van mahotsav. Van Mahotsava is an annual tree-planting festival. During this festival, thousands of trees are planted all over India. It was started to create awareness in the mind of the people for the conservation of forests and the planting of new trees. Van Mahotsava is celebrated as a festival of life.
The festival educates the awareness of trees among people and portrays the need for planting and tending trees, as trees are one of the best ways to prevent global warming and reduce pollution.
By using less paper, you can reduce your impact on forests, cut energy use and climate change emissions, limit water, air, and other pollution, and produce less waste.
Even if we are unable to plant a tree right now, the least we can do is to save the already planted trees around us.
One step towards this can be to reduce the usage of tissue papers. Why I say so, just spare a few minutes and see the below video to understand for that one wipe from tissue paper how we are damaging the environment. Carrying a cloth napkin is much easier instead fo damaging the trees. Single-use tissues are the major tree burner, and few steps from us can help reduce the cutting of trees.
- Always carry a cloth napkin
- Always carry reusable cloth bag
- Get bank statements, bill online, and avoid paper.
- Use digital material, instead of taking printouts.
- Avoid disposable and paper plates, washing is better
- Get online receipts instead of paper bills
- Think before you print
- Use online or cloud storage for your files.
- Subscribe to online magazines and newspapers.
- Don’t rely on disposable materials
वन महोत्सव सप्ताह!
जल है तो वृक्ष हैं,
वृक्ष हैं तो भोजन है,
भोजन है तो हम हैं। #VanMahotsav भारत सरकार द्वारा वृक्षारोपण को प्रोत्साहन देने के लिए प्रति वर्ष जुलाई के प्रथम सप्ताह में आयोजित किया जाने वाला एक महोत्सव है।आओ मिलकर वृक्ष लगाएं, भविष्य खुशहाल बनाएं। @moefcc
— Dr Harsh Vardhan (@drharshvardhan) July 1, 2020
My post requests you all to just plant a small tree near your house or building and help it grow so your kids and future generations can enjoy the shade and fruits too.
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