
  • The L tiffin

    The L tiffin

    Welcome to A to Z of tiffin ideas with me. I am trying to give AtoZ suggestions for lunch box woes and today is Day 12 with the letter L. So Let’s pack the L Tiffin. Lettuce paratha/ puri lettuce wrap or even lauki paratha Another option is Lemon rice…

  • The J tiffin

    The J tiffin

    Welcome to A to Z of tiffin ideas with me. I am trying to give AtoZ suggestions for lunch box woes and today is Day 10 with letter J. So Let’s pack the J Tiffin Jam Bread Jalebi jhal muri jam roll/ Jelly Roll a piece of jaggery Jam and…

  • Theme reveal for A2Z challenge 2019

    Theme reveal for A2Z challenge 2019

    April Activities has a lot on the list, Exams get over and a new session begins, AtoZ challenge keeps we bloggers occupied, New season and fresh climate, Spring brings the new beginnings and new awakenings. I participated first-time last year in the AtoZ challenge when my blog was just 8…

  • Hello world!

    Hello world!

    Here I come as a .com The journey from free to was an awesome one. I made lots of blogging friends, even if they are virtual I learned a lot from them. The journey into the blogosphere was and is wonderful. Catch my posts on –

  • Walled Woman

    Wishing all a very Happy Womens Day!!! This picture says a lot, one view I had was that she is getting freed from a enclosed building and another view was she is enjoying her me time in the enclosed walls that helped her search her soul and she is a…

  • A WoW MoM

    A WoW MoM

    Who’s a WoW MoM! A female, A woman, A girl, Creating and juggling between ………endless roles. We, women, play a lot of different roles in life and adorn different hats too. In the journey of Life, we forget our identity with a span of time, but we are a lot,…

  • Heal the broken self

    When I hold my broken self, I know it’s only me who can heal myself. That very moment I’m torn between two tides, You gave me the options to choose between the sides. Fear is a self-destructing fire, You left me holding just one end of wire. I will see…

  • The sail to forgive

    Hey, Omi see we are back to the same place, such crystal clear water, such serene happiness, and the memories are back. Canoeing in this seas is an amazing experience always. Hope you are all right Oshi? Yes yes, of course, this place is my life, yes it does make…

  • Why MilesWeb is best for bloggers?

    Why MilesWeb is best for bloggers?

    I am looking to self-host my blog for so long now. From hobby mode, I now plan to be more serious about this. But I was clueless about what? how? why? when? where? and then a friend suggested a site. It’s an Indian site so what more a core Indian…

  • Jalapeno poppers

    Ingredients 10 Jalapeño peppers (about 2–3 inches long) 1 cup Cream cheese 1 Cup of Shredded Cheddar Cheese 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce Optional: 12 slices of Bacon Optional: Spices, such as Cumin, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Paprika, Salt, Pepper…Full of spices isn’t it! METHOD Cut in slits jalapeños lengthwise with a paring knife…

  • Kindness to lil hearts

    I took my sunshine kids to cow shed to show it’s not easy for milk to reach our mugs so finish it properly without making faces. I believe in zero wastage so i try & teach to respect the process & people involved in any food or drink we consume.…

  • Come for a walk with me, in hills.

    Come for a walk with me, in hills.

    Namaskar readers! Let me take you for a walk today with me. I love walking and if it’s hills where I reside its like cherry on top of my walk. The lush green mountains, the green tea gardens, the pure oxygen, do I say more. Oh yes, the sounds in…

  • Enough responsibility for now!

    Hello baby how was school? Aai, I’m tired, very tired. Oh, what happened did you run a lot in school. No, Aai not that, Then why are you tired? Arey aai, class teacher was absent and you know na I am class monitor and I had to stand even in…

  • Only I can change my life by balancing the PanchTatwas.

    Panch-Tatwa is my all-time favorite topic and it is what is seen everywhere around us in our daily lives, be it our human body, our sensory organs. We are all consistent with panchtatwa’s. So keeping them balanced is the need of the hour. We can change our negative thoughts, our…