So are you “Hangry” today. Hahaha, are you surprised by the word? Even was me as I was haungry and angry too so came into being this “HANGRY”
Definition: bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger.
Introduced: September 2015
Oxford dictionary definition: (Chiefly in science fiction) a means of transport resembling a skateboard that travels above the surface of the ground, ridden in a standing position.
the hoodie has been around for years as a name for a jumper or sweater that has a hood attached to it. But over the past decade, the term has also begun to be applied to the type of people who wear hoodies. In the UK this typically means teenagers, but it’s a term that’s often used derogatorily to describe gangs of youths who like to hang around the streets and cause trouble.
High Key
H for Hashtags needs to be laid to rest
They were fine on Twitter and perhaps on Instagram. But now hashtags are almost everywhere. Shops and restaurants are being named after them. Even TV channels use them instead of headlines. It’s time to lay them to rest. #youwillnotbemissed
– lets you manage all of your social media such as Twitter, Facebook and G+pages from one place, scheduling posts and monitoring lists
So how are you surviving in #AtoZChallenge
That’s all for today
Do visit to check about new words and digital things what connected with us.
My theme for A2Z-2020 is peeping into new words and gadgets/ apps that time traveled in our lives in the last decade
and became part of our lives beyond separation now.
Wanna peep into my H post for tiffin treats…
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