Namaskar Friends The festive season is going on and after Navratri, everyone is gearing up for the next festival of Diwali. Deepawali or Diwali is the festival of lights, sweets, joy, happiness. Kids look forward to celebrating Diwali with full enthusiasm and what they love more is crackers, sweets, and…
Laddoo – Laddu – Laddo – Ladoo – लड्डू A famous easy to make Indian sweet. Wikipedia says – Laddu or laddoo is a sphere-shaped sweet originating from the Indian subcontinent; the name originated from the Sanskrit word Lattika. Laddus are made of flour, fat (ghee/butter/oil), and sugar, with other…
Well, that’s my version of chocolate nutty. Ingredients: Dark chocolate – half slab Milkmaid – 3/4th tin Butter – 75gms Marie biscuits – 4-5 chocolate essence vanilla essence walnuts, pistachios, raisins Method: Melt chocolate on double boiler or microwave on 60%power Add melted butter & mix together and stir until…