Author Interview – Varsha of Konkan Diaries

Welcome to the Author Interview series hosted by Pragun and Suhasini. The Author duo are conducting the Author interview series for the Ebooks launched through Blogchatter Ebook program.

  • 1st interview – “Abhjit ray” author of “Desert Plant”
  • 2nd interview – “Meena Chatty” author of “Starlit Sky”
  • 3rd interview – “Pratibha” author of “Eco Babycare & Green Parenting.

The Next in the series is Author Varsha Gode of Konkan Diaries. She writes about a beautiful land of cashews & coconuts, land of dashavtar festival, she has written about Sindhudurg a green village which is ranked as the cleanest district for 2016, She even has thrown light on types of fishes and temples found in Konkan and has shared some easy recipes which her family cooks regularly. I have never been to konkan and so this book was a sure pick for me to get to know this beautiful coastal place.

Let’s find out what Varsha has to say about her book – “Konkan Diaries”

Us: What inspired you to start blogging?

Varsha: I feel my love and interest towards ingredients list or label for every random product at home made me head on the path of skincare blogging and ultimately a start my own free blog and end up creating one of own domain.

Us: Can you please describe your blogging journey so far? And who are your biggest supporters?

Varsha: Like every other field, blogging had ups and downs too just like a roller coaster. I still remember days when I asked people about the blog or grabbing campaigns for collaborations. Many helped me but few of them kept numb. I decided to learn things on my own and analyze my blog growth accordingly. I had a huge support from my close friend Jagruti who handles everything related to the backend of my blogg Prior to the blog it was my parents, younger sister Shrutica and Hubby Nitin who stood tall during this journey and kept encouraging me every moment

Us: Why you did register for the A2Z challenge?

Varsha : I had participated in #MyFriendAlexa so knew about Blogchatter and its reach among individuals from every corner of the world. This challenge was like a scary exam for me, you won’t believe the last AtoZ that happened was supposed to be my first challenge ever but I kept taking a step backwards thinking this would not be possible. This year I had to remove that preconceived notion and decided to participate for AtoZ and trust me it helped a lot.

Us: How it feels like to be called as “Author”

Varsha : It is the best feeling ever. Just like a mother who gives birth to her baby. I started my blog and that gave beautiful birth to being Author. I thank the Blogchatter Team for giving me this wonderful opportunity and in fact treating every random blogger same during this journey.

Us: What is the key learning for you from this Blogger to Author journey?

Varsha: Layman terms are often correlated with the audience from any age group so being an Author taught me to differentiate between complex and simple sentences. I also feel like encouraging Nitin, my husband to publish one of his First Ebook under Blogchatter. He’s a cricket enthusiast so planning to help him for this same. I came across many books which are beautifully written so a wonderful opportunity to learn from pro blogger cum authors.

Us: Do you want to share any interesting stuff on this book which has not been captured there?

Varsha : Konkan Diaries, my Ebook is vast, I tried to keep it minimal this time and there are many such hidden spots which couldn’t be added as it would have been quite lengthy and boring. I plan to maybe publish Konkan Diaries 2.0 next year.

Us: Do you want to share any future plans for your blog and books with us? .How is your overall feeling on Blogchatter’s Carnival and what are your recommendations on the same for other bloggers

Varsha : I plan to be more consistent with blog writing and participate in other campaigns held at Blogchatter. I would love to publish books based on simple food recipes, Konkan diaries 2.0 for the coming years.

Us: How is your overall feeling on Blogchatter’s Carnival and what are your recommendations on the same for other bloggers

Varsha: Every beginner in blogging industry should register for Blogchatter program. It allows one to analyze their work and dedication towards the blog. Every campaign lets you wear your thinking caps and think out of the box. I would urge every blogger to join every Blogchatter Program.

So, Friends, this is the short interview of our blogger Friend Varsha. You can read her much – acclaimed book – Konkan Diaries by clicking here.

My co-host Suhasini has done a candid review of the “Konkan Diaries” book and you can find her review here.

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