Ep 30 – Green Talks with Panchtatwa Girl, Feat. Naman Sharma – GoingZero.in

You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. – Jane Goodall

Environmentally sensitive businesses are those that prioritize sustainability and minimize their environmental impact. These businesses are often referred to as “green” businesses and operate in a way that protects the environment, conserves resources, and reduces waste.

Some examples of environmentally sensitive businesses include those that:

  1. Use renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power.
  2. Practice waste reduction and recycling to minimize their environmental impact.
  3. Use eco-friendly products and materials in their operations.
  4. Incorporate sustainable practices into their supply chain and logistics.
  5. Implement green design principles in their buildings and facilities.
  6. Encourage and support employee involvement in sustainability initiatives.

Overall, environmentally sensitive businesses strive to be socially responsible and make a positive impact on the environment, while also maintaining a profitable and sustainable business model.

Going Zero

Going Zero as a brand aims to bring together such conscious brave-hearts, who are creating sustainable choices for living, by offering a common international sustainable marketplace for conscious buyers. They have a large variety of Bamboo, fashion products, personal care, etc. You can visit or volunteer in education drives over there as well as cleaning drives to participate and get free facilities.

Going Zero values and encourages plastic-free, cruelty-free and chemical-free, vegan, zero-waste products. They serve to bring all eco-friendly businesses that serve nature, together, at a common platform, for conscious customers to buy quality products. They aim to minimize our negative impact on the earth and care for our wildlife and Mother Earth to keep humane empathy alive. 

Tatwa Talks

Climate change and increased customer knowledge of brands and business models will make Sustainable eCommerce. Many brands tout their sustainability by reducing emissions, using less plastic, and recycling. In this episode of the green Tatwa talks, Naman Sharma owner of GoingZero.in, from Jaipur Rajasthan, shares his journey of building zero waste, animal cruelty, and plastic-free store. Join #PanchTatwaGirl and Naman from GoingZero. Check out their wonderful green gifting collection on the GoingZero website.

Naman is a zero waste activist, animist, and vegan for the last 4+ years. Naman is also the founder of India’s first zero-waste vegan marketplace – GoingZero. Mainly from Rajasthan, he actively organizes cleaning, awareness drives, and meetups.

Going Zero values and encourages plastic-free, cruelty-free and chemical-free, vegan, zero-waste products. We serve to bring all eco-friendly businesses that serve nature, together, at a common platform, for conscious customers to buy quality products.

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More on Green talks-

In light of, eco-friendly talks do listen to other episodes of Green Talks. Support, share, and try to bring that one change in your life toward a greener tomorrow. Green Talks Season 1 Episode 1-24

In addition, You can even listen to the episode on my podcast site praguntatwa talks, and leave your comments on what you liked in this episode. Along with Eco-friendly discussions, I even want to share Positive stories of people bringing beautiful change to this world. Do read these stories here. I also have other podcasts if something interests you do tune in for PanchTatwa Girl.

Learning to be more environmentally friendly is easier than you think. You don’t have to jump in by changing everything, start small to make the changes more sustainable and a part of your normal life. 

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