No life story is perfect, and our relationships with our mothers are not always perfect either.
But perfection is not what counts: love is. Moms have different ways to show love, it can be in stories she tells, or even in her shopping for her kids. Moms are great storytellers as well as sleep scientists too, they are our shopping partners in growing years and even our search and rescue partners too.
“A mother is a mother from the moment her baby is first placed in her arms until eternity. It didn’t matter if her child were three, thirteen, or thirty.” – Sarah Strohmeyer, “Kindred Spirits”
Dads keep you in line. But mothers come to the rescue.
Today on the day of Alphabet “S” lets see what roles moms play in bringing up her kids.
Story Teller
Storytelling? Is that even in the mom job description? Dramatic, funny, sleepy, bedtime be it any story moms are the first storyteller for their kids. For many children and mothers, reading and storytelling create a bond. For many of us, one of the most vivid memories from childhood is listening to mom reading a book out loud or telling a story. Stories have the power to heal, connect, and build community.
With or without the aid of a book, children need their parents to give them stories because they need to understand the narrative. It’s related to understanding people, but also in a deeper sense, understanding character. There is great power in storytelling.

Search and Rescue {for lost toys}
You find it funny? But it’s true. What do you do when a toy goes missing? Mummy……
The moment that the Lego piece is lost or the paintbrush goes missing, it’s the mom whom we look at with hope, that she will search and find the missing piece. Moms globally are always there to search and rescue things that are not easily found or which are otherwise not easily visible to other’s eyes but only to the mother’s eye.
Definitely the best shopping partner
Moms self-train themselves at giving us the most honest opinions about the dresses and hairstyles. No wonder, if it is a family function or a professional event, we make sure we get her expert opinion on our look. Even if we are not with her, we make sure we send her a picture and wait for her opinion. With great fashion advice, she also gets us the best bargains.
Sleep Scientist
Haven’t moms spend sleepless nights staying awake when their kids are either unwell or sleepless. As they grow up, still moms are around staying awake when kids are preparing for exams or finishing the last-minute projects. Mother being sleep scientist consists of many overnight studies.
The average kid has a busy day. There’s school, taking care of your pets, running around with friends, going to sports practice or other activities, and doing your homework. By the end of the day, your body needs a break. Sleep allows your body to rest for the next day. Everything that’s alive needs sleeps to survive. When your body doesn’t have enough hours to rest, you may feel tired or cranky, or you may be unable to think clearly.
Moms know it best to have a routine and way to make kids asleep on time. If you have a hard time falling asleep for more than one or two nights or have worries that are keeping you from sleeping, tell your mom or dad.
Scary Monster Patrol Officer
Mom, I saw a monster in the window… and there comes mommy with her shield to teach her child how to fight with that monster and not be afraid of anything.
Backyard Safety Patrol
Professional Singer {concentrating on lullabies}
You simply can’t deny even if you have a lovely voice or not, we have at some moment hummed song or just tunes to our kids.
Speech Specialist
She is the first person to teach and introduce you to what is speech. The first sound, the first “aa” or “ma” is all taught by none other than moms. Every parent is eager to hear his child’s first words and the baby’s babble turns into actual words. A mother knows her child the best, the intuitive connection that they have can lead to miracles. An advantage that a mother has is the amount of time she spends with her children. So the whole day she can talk and talk and talk, Isn’t this the way we learned to talk?
Moms know the various techniques to help the child pick his first words. Moms know the skill of patience and repetition that helps to develop speech skills.
Stain Removal Expert
Koi bhi daag ho, detergent se pehle, it will have to pass moms hands and eyes. Ink stains from school, chcolate and cake stains from birthday party, mud stains from park and color stains from art class. Havent moms handled all stains we bring home to her.
Sleep coach
—aka nap negotiator, monster slayer, nightmare soother.
Seamstress of Frilly Dresses and Super Hero Costumes

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.”
— Albert Einstein
You can count on her for a solution to just about anything! Moms are great storytellers as well as sleep scientists too, no wonder our stain remover and search rescuer too. Numerous roles and varied activities, she just keeps ongoing.
This is the letter “S” in the journey of motherhood where we explore Mom’s roles in their children’s lives. Mom’s are everything for her kids, you name it we have it. Do read my earlier letters to enjoy the AtoZ of motherhood roles. This post is written as a part of the A2Z challenge, organized by Blogchatter. You will love to read how moms are Reader of minds and referees too.
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