
  • The New Normal Kids survived

    The New Normal Kids survived

    Year – 2020, Period – March to June, We all accepted the new normal. We even learned to live with #lockdownera. Experienced a never before #quarantineedition #pandemicedition of our lives. In all this did we ever think of our mini-generation? Did we try to understand the emotional and mental state…

  • The Family learns to #ShareChoresMultiplyLove in lock-down

    The Family learns to #ShareChoresMultiplyLove in lock-down

    Lockdown 1.0, 2.0. 3.0. 4.0… and counting. No travel, No get-togethers, No-schools, No-functions. Kids – insides, shock for moms, staying full day within the home doing nothing, or maybe everything. Suddenly life changed, it completely tumbled upside down. Everyone was home, no not everyone I agree, there were many who…

  • The essence of being a women

    Here I am realizing the essence of women once again… A girl at birth never realizes her importance, even after marriage we get to see another self of being a woman, and then comes the phase in life which changes girls, a lady’s,  a woman’s perspective towards life when she…

  • Letter to my child from the child in me!

    Letter to my child from the child in me!

    Okay, so the child in me has decided to write this letter to my child… Hello and loads of hugs my rainbow of life, my sunshine, my sun-shower, and my lifeline. How are you, my boys? hope to find you in a healthy and happy spirit {I know you are…

  • Coffee Chat when East met West

    Coffee Chat when East met West

    Coffee Cookies Tea-Cake with you All this happened when we were having coffee virtually in our own time zones and own global difference. We realized a connect was there and when we chatted and exchanged talks, the blocks kept on falling in places. We may be distance apart but sometimes…

  • Parenting – Patiently, Practically and positively

    Parenting – Patiently, Practically and positively

    Parenting is not a cakewalk, but if the ingredients are in good proportion it can bake well. Yes with ingredients like patience, calmness, practicality, being tricky we can achieve a better parenting approach. Parenting approached with patience and positivity turn out with a beautiful relationship long term. For me handling…

  • बच्चों को योग सिखाने के लाभ – Yoga with kids

    बच्चों को योग सिखाने के लाभ – Yoga with kids

    Power of Yoga and Mantras or shlokas The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated annually on 21 June since 2015, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. As it’s become a tradition, many…

  • Let’s fold and share the load

    Let’s fold and share the load

    Hey, Sonny boys of mine… What an eventful month and productive holidays we had. We washed the clothes together Also, We cleaned the cupboards otehr day, We washed the utensils Had a great time when We laid tables, made teas and I’m really thankful that you both were a great…

  • Tackling Tiffins

    Tackling Tiffins

    The ubiquitous ‘dabba’ has indeed become a metaphor for many things in our life. It tells many stories. Every morning starts off with a war – for me as a mother. There are so many battles to be won, but the biggest of them all is packing tiffin for my…

  • SonDay Funday clean-Day

    Yet another week to spread the #sharetheLoad. I’m loving this initiative by Ariel as this all brings my boys more close to me, thankfully its chutti time here so I am able to get them freely and willingly with me. “If sharing the load is taught at an impressionable age,…

  • The “Z” Tiffin

    Welcome to A to Z of tiffin ideas with me. I am trying to give AtoZ suggestions for lunch box woes and today is Day 26 with letter Z. So Let’s pack the Z Tiffin Zig Zag Vine fruit Zinfandel Grapes Zucchini Bread Zafrani Pulav  Zunka bhakri Zunka Bhakri Click…

  • The “Y” tiffin

    The “Y” tiffin

    Welcome to A to Z of tiffin ideas with me. I am trying to give AtoZ suggestions for lunch box woes and today is Day 25 with letter Y. So Let’s pack the Y Tiffin Yellow Rice Yogurt Yellow Passion Fruit Yunnan Hackberry Yangmei Yogurt Look for Greek yogurt with…

  • SonDay cleaning my wardrobe

    SonDay cleaning my wardrobe

    Once again it’s time to share the load and this time it’s my candies who are helping me to clean the wardrobe too. I was out for a whole month because of an ongoing event/ conference. Once it got over I can sense the wardrobe was calling me to let…

  • The X tiffin

    Welcome to A to Z of tiffin ideas with me. I am trying to give A to Z suggestions for lunch box woes and today is Day 24 with the letter X. So Let’s pack the X tiffin Xmas Cookies Xigua (Chinese Watermelon Ximenia caffra fruit Xango Mangosteen Fruit Juice…