“पवन गुरु पानी पिता माता धरत महत , दिवस राति दुइ दाई दाया खेलै सगल जगत”
In this Shlok Guru Nānak reminds us of the trinity of our primary relationships of Father, Mother & “Guru” (our connection to the Divine). This trinity directly invokes three of the elements, or Tattvas, namely Air, Water & Earth. Here he says that Air is our Guru – in that air is the carrier of “Prāna” or life force, which is the gift of the Breath of Life; the breath that sustains life; Mother & Father personify the divine & cosmic qualities of the universe, but they also represent the very basic elements of Earth & Water. There are two “nurses” or guardian angels who represent the forces of Creation, providing everything we need in both the active daytime & in the non-active nighttime. Life is a game – a game to resolve our Karma and embrace our higher self by walking on the path of Dharma. In this game we must embrace the highest ideals & live to them; find our way through the ultimate test of our character; & go beyond a mere “human” experience to embody the highest consciousness of being “Jivan Mukht” or liberated while alive.
Welcome to Green Tatwa Talks!
It was fun to host a truly inspiring voice in the realm of sustainability—Damanjot Kaur. Hailing from a serene village in Punjab, Damanjot is a passionate advocate for sustainable living and climate action, inspiring over 13,000 followers on social media to embrace eco-friendly lifestyles. With her relatable and actionable tips, she demonstrates how small lifestyle changes can create a big impact on our planet’s future.
One of her recent YouTube Shorts captured hearts worldwide, garnering over 1.5 million views, a testament to her ability to connect and inspire. A recent graduate, Damanjot is channeling her energy into growing as a content creator, mastering skills like video editing, personal branding, and environmental studies. Beyond her online persona, she’s a dedicated plant mom, lovingly nurturing over 100 plants at home.
In today’s episode, we’ll dive into her journey, her vision for a cleaner and greener planet, and how we can all live in alignment with nature. Plus, we’ll talk about her life as a vegan in Punjab, her insights on climate-conscious living, and the practical steps we can take to ensure we leave behind a healthier Earth for future generations. 🌎
Let’s listen to Damanjot Kaur on Green Tatwa Talks!
“As consumers, we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy” —Emma Watson

You can connect with her on her Instagram or Join her on the journey to real, intentional living! on her Youtube 🌱
You can even connect with her on her WhatsApp channel
“As consumers we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy”
– Emma Watson
पानी बचाने के लिए अपने बच्चे को बताएं ये तरीके
- बच्चों को बताएं कि वो नहाने के लिए सिर्फ जरूरत भर के पानी का इस्तेमाल करें न कि ज्यादा पानी की खपत करें।
- अगर बच्चे नहाते वक्त अपने कपड़े पानी से धो रहे हों तो उनको धूले हुए कपड़ों के पानी को फैंकने से मना करें और इस पानी का इस्तेमाल बाद में बाथरूम में फ्लश करने जैसे कामों के लिए करने को कहें।
- बच्चों को बताएं कि पानी कम होने वाला है और वे इसका इस्तेमाल विवेकपूर्ण तरीके से करें। उनको बताएं कि ब्रश करते समय नल को खुला ना रखें, हाथों को साफ करते समय या चेहरे को धोते समय नल के पानी का प्रवाह कम रखें।
- बच्चों को बताएं कि कभी भी नलों को खुला न छोड़ें और पानी का इस्तेमाल करने के बाद नल को कसकर बंद करें।
- बच्चों को सिखाएं कि जितना पानी पीना हो उतना गिलास भरें। ज्यादा पानी लेकर आधा पीकर छोड़े नहीं।
- पानी स्टोर करना सिखाएं और सब्जियों के धुले हुए पानी को पौधों पर डालने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें।
ऐसा आभास होना कोई अतिश्योक्ति नहीं है कि हमारी पुरानी पीढियों में शिक्षा भले ही कम थी लेकिन प्रकृति की समझ बहुत थी जो पानी के आने वाले संकट को बहुत पहले ही भाप जाने के कारण अपने दैनिक जीवन के भी ज्यादातर कामों को कम से कम पानी का उपयोग करके पूरा कर लेते थे। वो जल ही जीवन है विषय पर निबंध लिखना नहीं जानते थे लेकिन जल बचाना जानते थे।
Listen to the episode on –
Being Eco-Friendly is not a choice, We must make it a habit. – Prachi The Tatwa Girl.
“अगर फ़ुर्सत मिले पानी की तहरीरों को पढ़ लेना
हर इक दरिया हज़ारों साल का अफ़्साना लिखता है”
– बशीर बद्र
Thank you for joining The Art Of Being Prachi. 🌿Read on various panchtatwa topics by #TheTatwaGirl.
Agni—The Fire Tatwa—I write about food under this element. Inspired by its energy and life force, I share special recipes and culinary creations.
Vayu – The Air Tatwa – In this element, I write about things around us, the cultures and festivals being celebrated. Traditions followed and mythology and beliefs of a particular place.
Aakash – The Sky Tatwa – Here, I write about my travel experiences. Here, I describe the infinite skies and towering mountain peaks I encounter during my journeys.
Jal – The Water Tatwa – Here, I express my inner emotions, just like the flowing and ever-moving water. This is a reflection of the continuous flow of my thoughts.
Prithvi – The Earth Tatwa – In the Earth element, I focus on environmental issues and eco-friendly lifestyle solutions. This includes ways to live in harmony with our planet. In today’s world, sustainable development has become a necessity. Don’t miss the Green Tatwa Talks podcast, and explore eco-friendly, sustainable living practices from awesome Green warriors I have interviewed, who work towards protecting the environment and bringing about positive change.
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